The CyberNest Support Center

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Is The CyberNest a confidential space?

Yes, The CyberNest is confidential. All members agree to The CyberNest's Rules of Engagement, which covers confidentiality, communication policies, professionalism, and a code of conduct. 

We adopt the Chatham House Rule, an agreement between members of our community that frees them to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the community member nor that of any other member who engaged in the same discussion may be revealed.

All discussions, details, and insights shared within the community platform are confidential. Members are not permitted to share any of this information publicly. What happens in The CyberNest is private. 

These rules are strictly enforced. If a member violates any of the policies, including confidentiality, we reserve the right to remove their access to our community platform.